Unofficially Self-Retired (2016)

If you are a follower of my site or even a new visitor, you would have noticed my watch collection has evolved tremendously since year 2011. The pace I flipped watches was at a rate that even Usian Bolt would be proud of.


Watches come and go but the watch bug remains!

However, my watch collection philosophy has always been kept the same since the first day i started and now, I am pleased to announce: MY WATCH COLLECTION IS COMPLETED!

I have managed to meet all the criteria I set in my “Watch Collection Ground Rules” and have successfully obtained all the necessary watches that I needed to complete the collection.


Mission Accomplished!

So what’ll happen next?

Since then, I have Unofficially Self-Retired from the watch scene on 2016.

But for how long will this last?

We’ll see…..😏


(Watch Identity Revealed in INSTAGRAM @horolexgy)



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